Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Catholic Reformation

The "Counter-Reformation" within the Catholic Church was a response to the theological positions that were championed by the Protestants. This Reformation affirmed traditional teachings as well as better fit the modern world.

The Fifth Lateran Council was formed by Pope Julius II to investigate problems of nonresident clergy, and multiple benefices. Members wanted to change the Church by example, and did so by finding the Oratorio order, composing music (combined medieval plain chants with more modern styles). Oratorio services became very popular primarily due to its music.

Ignatius Loyola composed Spiritual Exercises, which emphasized the importance of obedience.

New religious order Society of Jesus, or Jesuits, educated the laities and spiritual advisers. Jesuits were also responsible for a number of conversions, and brought many parts of Holy Roman Empire into communion with the papacy.

When reformers first emerged, Catholics tried to separate ideas they believed were correct and those that they believed incorrect. For example, the pope published lists of books and ideas which he considered error ed. The Council of Trent was very important to the Catholic Church, because during this time, it marked the boundary of the Protestant heresy and the orthodox positions of the Church. In response to the Protestants belief that one's salvation comes from faith alone, the Council stated that good works were not the outcome of faith, but were prerequisites towards salvation. The Council criticizes the Protestants for their lack of leadership and supervision. The Council gave pope the ultimate authority in both administrative and theological matters.


Michael H. said...

That was very interesting how music played a big part in the new aspects of the churches. But anyways, yes, the Catholic Church did determine what practices and ideas were right and wrong and that was probably the greatest change brought to the Church. They actually gave a little way instead of being strictly conservative to their beliefs

spatneaude said...

During the Reform the Catholic was starting to become less strict in the way they ran their church.The Church started to separate ideas and added muisic into their services.I think it is interesting how the Church used the Council of Trent as almost a guideline.

Stephanie S. said...

I find it very intresting that many catholics were drawn to services because of music. I think that the Council of Trent was confusing, How could there be a thin line of that determines who was a heretic and who was not? I think that there should be a gray area because there were mnay things that a person could do in order to be a heretic.

erica canty said...

It was interesting to me to read about the Catholic Reformation. Also it was interesting to learn how the church over time develop different ways and customs change with the times. How the music was a big attribute to the religion and to the people that worshipped.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this reformation was one of the most influential during the Reformation. Catholicism is a main religion still to this day.

apclinton7 said...

As a Catholic myself, It is very interesting to see how traditions and perspectives have changed in being Catholic and how other relgions formed from it.