Thursday, October 9, 2008

Columbus is a villian!!!!!

To most people, Columbus is seen as a hero who opened up the Old World to the New World, to one group in particular,

the Native Americans, he is viewed as scrondrel. Columbus sailed to the "New World" with the intention of spreading Christianity as well as proving one could travel to the West Indies by going west rather than east. Instead, Columus discovered the North and South Americas. Though this was positive for Europe, Natives of the Americas were forced to leave their lands and live under the order of Europeans. When Colmbus left the Bahamas for the first time, his settlers seized food stocks, kidnapped women, and embarked on frenzied search for gold. Once mines were discovered, Indians were forced to work the mines. With an increase in European expedition, diseases such as smallpox, diphtheria, measles, trachama, and chicken pox were exposed to the Indians, leading to many deaths. Because there were so many deaths from the Indian population, there became a larger demand for slaves from Africa.

Even to this day, Native Americans are still bitter of the expeditions that occured over 5oo years ago. Chief Roy Crazy Horse of the Renape nation stated, "He [Columbus] instituted slavery into this continent. Professor Ronald Covil provided his students with a different perspective on Columbus's expedition: the Native Americans. When Columbus was exdepitioning, the Native Americans didn't discover anything, because they had already settled there. For that


Michael H. said...

That is a good point. He came to spred Christianity but he ended up bringing chaos to the New World leading to rape of many of the women and starvation to many of the Indians in the New World.

Stephanie S. said...

"his settlers seized food stocks, kidnapped women, and embarked on frenzied search for gold."

I completely agree with you. I think that Columbus was also a villian. He only wanted fame and in order to get that he used anything and anyone is his way.

mXbarber said...

In my opinion, which is the same as your's, Columbus can now be viewed as a villain. His first intentions may have been to spred christianity, but the reality is that once he arrived in the new world his goals changed. He forced the natives to work and if they didn't find enough gold or they refused they were punished. So he came into their lands, enslaved them, killed them, and kidnapped them. A hero doesn't do this.