Friday, November 7, 2008

Thirty Years' War

The Thirty Years' War was the result of constant conflicts, including religious tension, regionalism verses centralizing force, and dynastic strategic between rulers.

Drastic tension began when James I raised revenue by custom duties granted to the monarch of life, wardship, and the sale of monopolies. This caused tension between the Crown and the Parliament, because the revenue resulted in growing financial strain of foreign policy. After James I came Charles I, and Parliament issued the the Petition of Right, which protested Charles's financial policies and arbitrary imprisonment. As a result of the petition, Charles got rid of the Parliament. The Parliament and the public became unified in their opinion of the king, when it was rumored that Charles was playing to use Irish soldiers against English subjects. Shortly after this, Charles withdrew as king and started an army, beginning the Thirty Years' War.

The Thirty Years' War was ended by the signing of the Peace of Westphalia, which recognized Calvinism as a tolerated religion within the empire, and that all subjects must follow their rulers' faith. States within the empire would henceforth be virtually autonomous, and each state of empire would conduct its own foreign policy.


spatneaude said...

I agree.The Thirty Years' War was all about tension between the reformers and the Catholic Church.Both sides wanted to rule over Europe but they could not come to settle.Because of the war European citizens were subject to displacement,disease,and famine.

Sally said...

The Peace of Westphalia was so important to the Calvinists because without it, the war could have gone on for years. The Calvinists, passionate and strong as they were, would not relent to the forces that opposed them. Because the treaty granted power to the empire, a new age of Empires would prove to be excessively stronger than any decentralized kingdoms that had ever come before.

brberger said...

I agree as well. Both sides did not want to budge one bit on their offenses and ended up causing the war. But possibly you should tell a little bit about the war itself and what went on during the duration of it.

erica canty said...

It was interesting the way you stated what was a cause if the Thirty Year's War and how you gave the reason to it also. I agree with you about how the tension that was caused during the war was caused from the church and reformers.

ABragg said...

Religion caused the tensions like she said. Not every one was involved with the same religion but wanted to be just as important as the others. The war ended because of another peace treaty that seperated land and gave equal involvment so the tenions would end.

mrogers said...

I like how you explained the Treaty of Westphalia at the end. This finally ended the fighting and satisfied the majority of the states in the empire by allowing them to conduct their own policy.

mXbarber said...

I agree that all of these things combined led up to the 30 years war. The only thing is that it wasn;'t English tensions. The was also France and Spain and others that would rebel against the crown.