Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Female Worker During Industrialization

As a woman during the Industrial Revolution, there are many advantages and disadvantages.
Due to the close encounters with others, there was common language of religion and shared religious practices, causing workers to unit. Friendly societies were formed to serve as mutual aid during job-related accidents and diseases. During industrialization, women had more opportunities to receive jobs.
Even though women were given jobs, job segregation reserved best-paying jobs for men, while women and children carried lowest positions. Overcrowding in urban cities was norm. Since women worked, they sent their babies to "Baby farms", or individuals who were paid to take care of the child, so mothers were not able to be with their newborns, which is crucial time for a mother to be with her child. As a worker, females worked 16-hour days, at risk to factory accidents, and low wages.
Even though the Industrial Revolution is important in establishing key industrial innovations and rapid production, I am against industrialization. Not only was life in the factory unbearable, but outside the factory, centrifugal pumps drained large marshes, factories dumped waste ash into rivers causing dirty water, and air pollution which caused cancer and lung disease.


spatneaude said...

I agree with you that unionuzation was a bad thing.Like men, women had to suffer through overcrowded cities and poor working conditions.The benifits do not outweigh the negatives

Michael H. said...

i never thought about the common religion and language factor, good point thelma. and thats true. they tended to stick together through hard times, it kept them from going insane. and yea, they did work about 16 hours a day. thats terrible, women spent more time at work then they did with their children, and that was a major problem

mXbarber said...

Many of the women's conditions were the same as men's (with out the hardship of being away from your knew born. that only applies to micheal!!!) But everyone in that period was put into very dangerous situations that risked their lives everyday. It was bad...

Anonymous said...

Women did suffer a lot throughout the factory but we continued to do the job. I think that it is crap that men thought women could not work in their enviroment. We have come such a long way!