Thursday, February 19, 2009

A View of WW1 as a Russian Student

Due to the needs of modernizing Russia, Russia had an increase in the number of universities and students. Being a student of a university in Russia, one would criticize autocracy, and see it as their mission to transform Russia. These students were known as "intelligentsia". In hopes of bringing change to the countryside, students organized a populist movement. Such idealists educated the peasants to make them more politically aware, and eventually formed the People's Will, which eventually led to murders of public officals to hasten the day of revolution.
They supported the idea getting rid of autocracy, though it is not clear if they supported the war. If I could make an inference, I would say that they did support the war, because they supported the peasants' knowlegde of what was occuring politically, and how unjust the peasants were being treated, and conflict to change that was inevitable.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

This is my image depicting the Industrial Revolution.

A Female Worker During Industrialization

As a woman during the Industrial Revolution, there are many advantages and disadvantages.
Due to the close encounters with others, there was common language of religion and shared religious practices, causing workers to unit. Friendly societies were formed to serve as mutual aid during job-related accidents and diseases. During industrialization, women had more opportunities to receive jobs.
Even though women were given jobs, job segregation reserved best-paying jobs for men, while women and children carried lowest positions. Overcrowding in urban cities was norm. Since women worked, they sent their babies to "Baby farms", or individuals who were paid to take care of the child, so mothers were not able to be with their newborns, which is crucial time for a mother to be with her child. As a worker, females worked 16-hour days, at risk to factory accidents, and low wages.
Even though the Industrial Revolution is important in establishing key industrial innovations and rapid production, I am against industrialization. Not only was life in the factory unbearable, but outside the factory, centrifugal pumps drained large marshes, factories dumped waste ash into rivers causing dirty water, and air pollution which caused cancer and lung disease.